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Search Results for: Motorized Stages for Life Sciences (11)

Trending Liquid Lenses in Imaging

Quickly Autofocus and Overcome Depth of Field Limitations

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The Future of Microscope Objectives

Advances in Microscopy Tackle the Challenges of the Future

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Imaging Systems on the Perseverance Mars Rover

23 unique imaging systems help the Perseverance Mars rover look for signs of water and ancient life on the red planet.

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CNC Glass Machining

Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines used for complex geometry manufacturing are expanding their material capabilities. Learn more at Edmund Optics.

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Open-Source DIY Microscopy

Accessible, Flexible Technology Supported by a Community of Users

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Top 4 Trends of 2018

Advances in microscopy, imaging, and extreme ultraviolet optics

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Extreme Ultraviolet Optics

Pushing Optics to the Extreme

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Superpolished Optics

Superpolished optics with sub-angstrom surface roughness are ideal for precise laser optics applications

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Non-Circular Optics for System Miniaturization

Trimming the Fat: Truncating Lenses to Shrink Systems

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Hyperspectral and Multispectral Imaging

Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) and multispectral imaging (MSI) are two related technologies that make use of specialized vision systems to acquire extra image information from extended regions of the electromagnetic spectrum aside from the visible spectrum.

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Ruggedized Imaging Systems for Harsh Environments

The growth of automation has introduced machine vision lenses to more harsh environments involving shock, vibration, contaminants, and temperature swings.

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